Vacation doesn’t feel like vacation with 10 week old

We’re on a beach vacation with our first child, a 10 week old baby. Both sets of grandparents are with us too. But man I don’t feel like I’m on vacation at all. Baby sleeps great at home, not so much here. Nearly every time we want to go do something, he has a blowout, or needs to eat, or falls asleep. When he’s asleep, he looks too peaceful and I don’t want to disturb him even though the beach and town is just a 2 minute drive away. Today, I had what I thought were simple things on my “to do” list - get a coffee out, go to the book store, get a slice pie - and none of those things happened. Oof. I am constantly saying to myself “was this a waste of our time/money”? The weather is uncharacteristically cold and rainy where we are too, not sure if that makes it worse or better considering how few “vacation” things I have accomplished anyway lol oh and I am just constantly exhausted

Just venting I guess. And maybe hoping I’m not alone in feeling this way?