Does Moonton even know Lolita exist?
I know there are other heroes that are forgotten by Moonton, and are in a much more worst state than our hammer wielding elf but I've been itching to see her in the patch for anything, I don't care if its a buff or a nerf(pls don't tho, i believe she needs a slight buff specially to her passive but thats another topic). When Shark basically propelled her usage in M3 and V33nus in Sea games i thought they'd finally give her a nod, a skin, a buff, a nerf, just any mention but alas no(The fact that she gets more attention in MLA is funny). At this point I'm just afraid they'd unnecessarily change/rework her kit.
Niche is nice, it's not bad at all, her role as a counter pick in the meta is fine. All I'm saying is with all the other overloaded kits of recent meta tanks, a bit of a bone wouldn't hurt.