Am I just the substitute to porn?

My husband gave up porn a week ago. We put blockers on his phone, computer, and iPad.

We’ve had sex 8 times since last Tuesday.

This is the same man that couldn’t get hard or stay hard months ago. This is the same man that never initiated me. We only would have sex 1 every week or so when I was naked begging him.

Does he actually love me or am I just the substitute to porn? So he can get off.

One might say I got what I wanted (more intimacy). But I don’t feel like it’s out of love.

I stay in shape for him. I touch him. I’m constantly doing stuff for him. Why was porn better than me? I only found out after we had our baby. I feel so ugly. I can’t enjoy the intimacy because I feel like he’s only doing it to get off.

Edit: can I also add that he’s spend hundreds of dollars behind my back on fetish content