UPDATE : Should I buy Wilds if I'm bad at Monster Hunter ?
2 months ago I made a post about whether I should buy Wilds or not, because I was interested by the game, but not very good at it. I received a lot of positives answers, which motivated me to give the series another try. At the same period, MH World was on sale, so I bought it and I had a blast with the game. I tried other weapons, which were more fitting to my playstyle.
I didn't go very far in the game (up to the point where you beat Diablos and Zora for the 2nd time), but I had a lot of fun. I only lost 2 hunts (one while fighting 2 Anjanath at the same time, the other the first time fighting Diablos).
I'm pretty confident I will buy Wilds, maybe not at release but in the upcoming months. I'm making this post to thank this community for all the tips and helpful comments.
If you are in the same situations as I was, you should definitely give the game a try. Trying different weapons is extremely important, and can make or break your experience (I destroyed enemies with some weapons, and got destroyed by the same enemies with others). Finding your playstyle is important to enjoy this wonderful game.
Have a nice hunt, and see you on Wilds !