Love is Blind UK: Sam

Every season has one and from the looks of it, Sam is that guy in this season. Portrays as completely different person from outside but is really different from inside. I don’t mean different in a good way btw.

Tried a rehearsed dialogue with every partner. Literally did a sign off phrase “REMEMBER SAM FROM LONDON” as if he’s doing a sales pitch and is upset/ jealous at everyone for no apparent reason.

Claims that he doesn’t care about himself or his looks but is literally looking for a caretaker for himself! As Benaiah rightly said, ‘he’s here for the wrong reasons.’

When Jasmine voiced out her concerns about him saying too many right things and behaving too ideal, she literally spoke the truth and then he goes onto impress Nichole because she is his last hanging hope to be in the show. And the drama that followed, wow. The most disturbing thing was Sam feeling WEIRD about Nichole being underweight.

Every season has one and from the looks of it, Sam is that guy in this season. Portrays as completely different person from outside but is really different from inside. I don’t mean different in a good way btw.

Tried a rehearsed dialogue with every partner. Literally did a sign off phrase “REMEMBER SAM FROM LONDON” as if he’s doing a sales pitch and is upset/ jealous at everyone for no apparent reason.

Claims that he doesn’t care about himself or his looks but is literally looking for a caretaker for himself! As Benaiah rightly said, ‘he’s here for the wrong reasons.’

When Jasmine voiced out her concerns about him saying too many right things and behaving too ideal, she literally spoke the truth and then he goes onto impress Nichole because she is his last hanging hope to be in the show. And the drama that followed, wow. The most disturbing thing was Sam feeling WEIRD about Nichole being underweight.