Wow! Crazy info from my copyright infringement!!! Read below. lol
I won’t include a snapshot, but basically my previous post about Katy never attending work events was reported for copyright infringement. In the message removing the post, Reddit told me I can request information about the reporter. So, I did. WELL. Not only was it Katy Roach’s lawyer who reported the “infringement”, BUT, read the message her lawyer submitted here:
“The urls below are hosting and sharing a direct, literal copy of my client, Katy Roach, copyrighted material (photographs + videos) from her OnlyFans + Instagram without her permission. We request the immediate removal of her copyrighted material by a DMCA takedown.”
OnlyFans?!???!?!? We predicted that one!! Am I misconstruing this or does this mean she most definitely has an OnlyFans account and is literally the most hypocritical person on the planet?!?