Stockholm syndrome

Hi community

My sister is married in Delhi. She is a medical professional. Her family is her husband, 1 yr old kid and 2 in-laws. This is the 6th year of their marriage.

She is married into a family of Narcissistic personality disorder (MIL n husband). Husband also is high in psychopathy. He's a proper scam artist/con artist. Deceitful to the core. He showed he had stable business before marriage but it was shut soon after tying the knot. To this day we don't know how he makes money. All he does is gaslights (he's skilled at that). I do know he takes loans from shady places that offer very high interest rates (on her name and giving her personal details). Then she gets calls from low life thugs ushering obsceneties at her. I got the calls too.

That family has siphoned all the jewellery that we gave to her (approx 1.2 Cr) She was manipulated into breaking her FDs. And now she is submitted to give him 80% of what she is earning. She's too timid to revolt. She is the exact opposite of a Tier 1 city hyper feminist.

I see no future of her there. They have no care in the world for her rights and boundaries. But she's unwilling to understand all that. I strongly believe she has Stockholm syndrome.

How do I, as her elder brother take this ? What remedies do I have ?
