Can Someone Answer This?

Can someone explain to me where these theories came from—“Xenomorphs were always out there somewhere or they are a naturally evolving species” or “Engineers created them”?

Certainly not from the movies or any canon content.

Are there any proofs? Feel free to correct me.

Theory No. 1: Xenomorphs were always there or they are natural.

Proofs or hints: None.

The reason the prequels were created was to answer questions like “Who created these?” or “Who made them?” or “Where did they come from?”—all in Ridley Scott’s words.

Two movies are out, with one left. Scott has already answered it in the second movie. If you think that the third movie would have changed the storyline, let me clarify: The third movie was also going to feature David and his experiments, as per the original plans for the movie.

The third movie would have even solved the derelict ship mystery from the original Alien.

The prequels were meant to set the stage for the original Alien.

Theory No. 2: Engineers created them. (Denied by Ridley Scott and John Logan)

Proofs or hints: No proofs, just some hints.

Hint 1: Prometheus mural First of all, the Prometheus mural doesn’t depict the Xenomorph; it shows the Deacon. The Black Goo originally comes from the Deacon. You can consider it a precursor to the Xenomorph, so that’s where the Black Goo comes from. Because of this, it can now be extracted from any Xenomorphic entity. But there is a possibility that the Deacons had some kind of Facehuggers, as seen in the Prometheus mural.

Important Point: It’s more of a homage/tribute to H.R. Giger. If you look closely around the corners, you will also see some Facehugger-like creatures, but they’re totally different. Do you know what they are? They’re unused art from H.R. Giger for the original Alien movie, which was just copy-pasted onto the mural. This was confirmed by Steven Messing (Production Designer for Prometheus) that the mural was a homage to H.R. Giger.

But in no way does the mural say that the Xenomorphs were created by Engineers.

Hint 2: The derelict ship in the original Alien (1979)

We have no proof that the ship really crash-landed on LV-426 thousands of years ago. Dallas made a statement, but it cannot be taken as proof. People thought the Space Jockey looked like that, but as it was revealed in Prometheus, they wear a spacesuit. So, it’s highly likely that the Space Jockey’s appearance is due to environmental conditions and the unknown nature of Engineer technology.

This was the most important thing that was about to be revealed in the third prequel movie, as Ridley Scott said.

The prequels would have tied into the original Alien with the third movie.

But only the last prequel movie was canceled, not the other two. They still stand true.

David Did create the Xenomorph. Th whole covenant plot is about a Colonisation mission so that David can access to all the colonists and continue his experiments until the creation Of the Original Xenomorph. For more information and official confirmation about it refer to my other posts on my profile.

“Look on my works ye mighty…and despair.”