Who created Xenomorphs?

99% Confirmed: Who Created Xenomorphs and How.

Hi everyone,

5 Points to explain it.

  1. “The Perfect Organism” or the xenomorph we know is Created by David 8 and yes they didn’t existed before.

“I’ve Found perfection here, I’ve created it. The Perfect Organism.” - David (Alien: Covenant) And this is also confirmed by Sir Ridley Scott in an Alien Covenant Interview.

Now i know that some people did not like the idea of David creating the xenomorph but I think it was the best possible origin for the xenomorph.

  1. How? As i said the xenomorph didn’t existed but something very similar to them existed called the ‘deacon’ as seen in the Prometheus mural in the ship. The engineers found the deacon and extracted the pathogen or black goo we know and used it as a weapon or may be something more. Then David found out about the black goo, Created xenomorphs using the black goo, human Body, engineer body and also the planet 4’s natural life but because of the black goo the xenomorphs look like the deacon.

  2. In a 7 minute short clip of Alien: Covenant called ’Advent’ which is basically a transmission he sent to weyland yutani about his experiments. He explains further more about his creations and how he used Dr. Shaw’s body. In this short film he also says that “there’s only one thing left to Perfect, My Queen. Make no mistake, this is going to change everything.” Camera shows Daniels.

Which explains that he also created the Alien Queen using Daniels’s body.

  1. The Alien we see in Alien Covenant is also not the xenomorph but praetomorph. So basically it took years for david to perfect the xenomorph and the praetomorph was not his final version and the neomorphs were even older versions of his experiments. This shows that David didn’t perfected his creation before leaving to Origae-6 or Anywhere else he was going with his “flock of lambs” or i should say the colonists and embryos on the covenant ship.

  2. The Derelict on LV426 We don’t know about how the eggs were there on the derelict ship in Alien (1979) but it was planned to explained in the 3rd prequel movie and the movie would have explained that and also would have finished the David Storyline. But some early plans about the movie reveals that the movie would have David encountering the engineers and this also sets up the derelict mystery being solved in the movie. But David was not going to fail on his creations as we have seen the Perfect Organism in Alien (1979) and the Alien Queen in aliens (1986) but may be he would have been died in the 3rd movie as the cost of his success.