KYGO album thoughts
Having listened to it several times and now watched the Live From Trolls tongue movie I’ve decided on my thoughts. I think it’s SOLID. It’s a lot more chilled out than I expected. TOTC was a very heavy / synthesised album and with songs like Freeze and All For Love I was expecting him to continue down that path but he landed somewhere between Golden Hour & TOTC on this one and I think it’s what suits him best right now. The album has the odd flash of commercial pop with Whatever & For Life, which is something he does need if he is to stay relevant and they do happen to be two of the best “remakes” of classic I’ve ever heard - so hats off.
The Feeling with Sigrid feels like the next single and most likely to get airplay. He’s still hammering the charts and radio play in the UK with Whatever & For Life so I think now would be a good time to push this track as the 3rd single as Sigrid is fairly popular here. I loved how the intro led into this song!
I’ve come to adore Let Go, so glad Sasha is back and I’m loving the synth sound he brought over from TOTC for it, it might just be my fav on the album. Me Before You, Found Another Love, Hold On, You Can Feel and Surrender are all fantastic tracks.
It’s great to have Wait available but to be honest it feels slightly out of place & sounds a tad dated now when in comparison to these new tracks, I think it should have dropped as a special release a long time ago and feels a bit tacked on here. Just my thoughts.
Fade Away with Sandro just didn’t land for me, it’s quite possibly the weakest track on the album - can’t believe I’ve typed that! Lighthouse again is a track that probably didn’t need to be on the album, two songs with one artist is a tad overkill for me however For Life does rank as one of the strongest tracks on the album so you can forgive them for getting excited.
Healing and Louder both feel a bit underbaked, decent songs in there just not sure they quiet land and if or when you’d play them, they’re not bad just not great.
I think Without You & Love Me Now Or Lose Me are so good when arranged together like in the Trolls Tongue movie, they play well back to back and have the strongest vocals.
Overall when in comparison to TOTC this is a much more coherent album. I don’t think it quite reaches Golden Hour levels, which for me is the goat, but he sounds like he’s having fun and he’s achieved something massive with this one he’s got people talking about his music again, which is something that desperately needed to happen.
For anybody unsure I highly recommend watching the album movie on YouTube I watched it yesterday and again today it brings the album to life & songs I was unsure on it gives them new qualities.
It’s a solid 8 from me. Bravo!