Hot take: MBDTF wouldn't exist the same way without Taylor Swift

Following the backlash from the VMA incident, Ye had to basically exile himself from mainland America and had to group up in Hawaii, where he recorded the album. I don't think so him going to Hawaii would've happened if the Taylor Swift incident didn't happen. He had to go into isolation, away from the limelight. The album would be different, probably worse if he recorded it normally and if the incident didn't happen.

Following the backlash from the VMA incident, Ye had to basically exile himself from mainland America and had to group up in Hawaii, where he recorded the album. I don't think so him going to Hawaii would've happened if the Taylor Swift incident didn't happen. He had to go into isolation, away from the limelight. The album would be different, probably worse if he recorded it normally and if the incident didn't happen.