Experiences with IUD removal of Dr can't find the strings?

Edit: I went to my dr and after 15 minutes of pain, bleeding, and prodding around my dr could NOT find the iud to get it out even with the aid of an ultrasound😭I'll be getting it out in the OR this week :( I have the copper IUD, I've had it for 2 years and just had my annual checkup, to my surprise my OB could not see my IUD strings. An ultra sound confirmed my IUD was still there, but in a much lower position than it should be. I'm scheduled to get it removed on Monday and I'm so scared, how is my Dr supposed to remove it if she can't find the strings?? My insertion was a bit painful, but not as painful as I thought it would be thankfully. I did not have local anesthesia or anything. I'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, and if the removal is going to be worse than the insertion pain 😭