Tier 1 help desk for 2.5 years. struggling to understand where to go next because i am not passionate about security or networking
Hi. For the past 2.5 years I've been a tier 1 help desk employee for 2 different companies. The first company was at a MSP and I was there for a year. My current employer is in house T1 (really T 1.99...) and I've been here for 1.5 years.
Here's my problem. I don't really have an interest in either security or networking. I have been struggling to study for those certs. I was passionate about studying for my A+ and knocked that out of the park.
I just cannot see myself being passionate about networking or security from what I've seen at my two places of employment.
I do think that I could work well at T2/desktop support so I've been applying to those jobs. But beyond that as next steps I am unsure where to go.
I think ultimately the reason I'm making this post is because I'm wondering what some other paths could be beyond help desk and desktop support that do not involve networking or security. I am aware that both networking and security certs offer building blocks of information that are important for lots of other disciplines in IT.
As far as what I am passionate about I like helping people and teaching people about IT so I am currently trying to push the idea of moving over to a team at my company that creates internal training modules for employees.
I would appreciate any other ideas or thoughts on other types of IT jobs one might pursue early in their career. Thank you.