DP compared to MYP, 4 HLs?

as a student who just finished MYP5 I've begun to really worry about DP because everyone seems to be really struggling. i got a 53/56 (all 7s except 6 in math and 5 in sports) and i got these grades by only studying the day before the exam (except math which is ironic) and i don't know if this is just bc MYP is easy or if i'm ready for DP.

i've also been studying french for two years, now at abt a B1-B2 level (working on it during the summer), and i'm taking history in french next year cuz i didn't want business and it was either history (only in french) or business in english. (i go to a very small school so that's why there are limited options ex.: only math aa).

if my aim for dp is 39+, is it overly ambitious of me to take 4 HLs (bio, math aa, english LL and theatre)? how drastic of a change is the dp gonna be? does anyone have any similar experiences? thank u sm for any replies or advice!! :)