Possible hypothyroidism and elevated prolactin: Could levothyroxine help?
I've had many blood tests over the years and most things come back in "normal range" but a few things have stood out to me:
- Prolactin is always mildly elevated, around 400-500 miu/L (ref: 86-324 miu/L)
- TSH consistently around 3.6-3.9 IU/L (ref: 0.27-4.2 UI/L)
- Serum folate 3 ug/L (ref: 3-20 ug/L)
I am male, mid-thirties if that makes any difference. I've had a couple of FT4/FT3 tests as well and these have come back quite high in the reference range:
- FT4 17-19 pmol/L (ref: 11-21.2 pmol/L)
- FT3 5.8 pmol/L (ref: 3.1-6.3 pmol/L)
I have symptoms along the lines of hypothyroidism, but I have an additional symptom that is really damn annoying: nipple burning. I think this is because of the elevated prolactin levels, and my attempts to reduce prolactin (e.g. P5P) seem to reduce the burning sensation but unfortunately not eliminate it.
My understanding is that prolactin can be raised by underlying hypothyroidism due to the pituitary gland being responsible for secreting both TSH & prolactin (increased TRH -> increased TSH & prolactin). With that in mind I am wondering:
- Is it possible that I have a form of hypothyroidism?
- Is it possible to be symptomatic even though my FT3/FT4 levels appear to be healthy?
- Could levothyroxine reduce my prolactin levels and possibly cure this nipple burning symptom?
Doctors are not interested in treating me for hypothyroidism in my country (which I understand given my FT4/FT3 levels) but I have lived with symptoms of hypothyroidism for years with a direct impact on my quality of life and I also really, really would like this nipple burning symptom to go away.
Perhaps I could self-medicate a small dose of levothyroxine (25 mcg); would that be relatively safe? I would look for improvements in my symptoms or any signs of hyper, and I would get a blood test done after a month or so to make sure everything's healthy. Would this be a very silly course of action?