Spirituality and Human Purpose

Only humans can know the true meaning of God. No other creature is capable because only human beings have an intellect, a power of discrimination, to choose, to understand. So therefore we human beings have a purpose. Our purpose of life is to discover our purpose of life, is to understand we are not the body, mind, ego, to realize we are the Divine Soul, and therefore to realize that the Soul, the Spark of Unique Life, is none other than SIP, SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that we call God. Human beings have this goal to realize we are the Soul, to be liberated from the cycle of rebirth and to attain God. It is called Moksha, Nirvana, salvation or liberation.

It is definitely possible for humans to comprehend the concept of God. What is God? God is a power that power is supreme. There is no God above God, and there is no God the name or form. God does not belong to any religion. God is birthless and deathless. God cannot be born, God cannot die. God is beginningless and endless. There is nothing before God. There is nothing after God. Therefore, when we use our intelligence to realize who we are, we are not this body. This body came later. We are that Spark of Unique Life, Soul. It was conceived nine months before one day the body will die, but this power will live. That power is in you, in me, in the butterfly, in a bee, in a tree, even in the mountain and the sea. Science confirms when Man understands that God is a power, that man understands that everything in this world is a manifestation of God, it is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power.