[Update from first post on this sub] Going good! + some pics from my small collection! *See body text below for more*

Hey guys you probably saw my post from yesterday when I posted it when I got my first Gamecube for my collection and after playing for a bit with only one game which is in NCAA 2004 football I honestly think the GameCube is a great console from it looks and the amazing games that it has he goes well with my Nintendo 64 in my collection as well but I'm new to the GameCube and if you guys want to teach me or tell me about anything about the game cube I'm more than welcome to hear about it just tell me in the comments and by the way if you're experienced with Gamecube and it's games recommend me some good games I should get and play also you can kind of see in the pictures that I put I'm mainly a Xbox and a Nintendo guy not saying I hate PlayStation I just prefer Nintendo and Xbox more but I might think about getting a PlayStation 1 or PlayStation 2 for the first time lol anyways thanks for reading this