Dear Furrha’s

Today specifically;

Dear Samah,

How dare you say someone who is a hijabi, to take off their hijab. This is so inappropriate as a muslim to say and very contradicting based on how you live. You are a muslim as well and said vile things about your daughter in laws. Whether you wear hijab or not you should not say bad things. Yes hijabi’s represent islam but you are a representation of islam too. If someone says something mean to you, that represents themselves and not their religion you fucking weirdo. Shall we take everything wrong you say and do and say you shouldn’t consider yourself as a muslim? Grow the fuck up. I’m not defending what that girl said to you but don’t ever tell someone they shouldn’t wear hijab because they are rude to you. Go live in dubai where no one follows the religion at all and all they do is party and drink and date and sleep around. What a great representation of islam, you clown.