You’re old if you know this car

You’re old if your parents drove one of these. You’re (obviously) older if you bought one of these new. Bonus points if you can name the make, year and model. More bonus points if you are still driving one. I didn’t own or drive one, but I did drive other models such as the Matador, the Ambassador & the Javelin. But not the Gremlin or the Pacer. My first French kiss took place in the front seat of the Matador.

You’re old if your parents drove one of these. You’re (obviously) older if you bought one of these new. Bonus points if you can name the make, year and model. More bonus points if you are still driving one. I didn’t own or drive one, but I did drive other models such as the Matador, the Ambassador & the Javelin. But not the Gremlin or the Pacer. My first French kiss took place in the front seat of the Matador.