Proposed Fermi paradox solution. We are the beginning of aliens.

Let’s start with the living in a simulation theory which I’m sure we are all familiar with. I’m specifically talking about the idea that if the theory is true then we are either the first people and will create the simulation or we are the last and are currently living in it. I propose we modify this and mold it to fix the Fermi paradox. Any civilization that expands more then the planets resources can handle will cause the need for planetary expansion. They will bring the colonization with of different planets, mars being the first. My theory is this, after millions of years of planetary and universal expansion humans will evolve physically and mentally, as will be needed to adapt to the different environments, and after enough time of planetary division and colonization will become something very different then humans today. I propose that the reason why we have not found life yet in the universe is we are the seed life form, and we have not yet become what we are looking for. This could also lead credence to the seeding theory yet instead of asteroids and space dust, it is generational ships that will do the seeding.Statistically mammals live for between 1-11 million years, humans are roughly 8000 years old, and in 100 years from 1900s-2000s we went from the model t to model x but with that kind of stripping of natural resources we will have to do unless we are able to make it sustainably, which we won’t, we will not be able to look inside for resources and will eventually have to look outside. Also for this idea please assume the Drake equation is incorrect.