How to make friends?
I got recommended to ask this question here by someone in r/evilautism. I just got accepted into vet tech school!! Yaaaay🎉🎊 One big problem though, the advisor made it very clear I have to join a study group as soon as possible but there aren't premade study groups. She said people just form study groups with the friends they make in the first couple of days. I'm sooo bad at making friends. I've looked up guides, taken notes, practiced and failed many times. My brain moves too slow for casual conversation, I don't usually think of a response until too much time has passed and it's awkward. I script basically every interaction already, but people are so unpredictable when I hit a question I'm not prepared for I buffer. Is there any I can do here?? I'm thinking of making posters advertising a study group and posting them around school, that way maybe I can make a study group first and make friends with them that way. Any tips or advice would be very much appreciated, I've been panicking a little bit because I CANNOT fail.