SUDEP loss
Hi all,
I didn’t think I’d be sat here on a Saturday night making this post but here I am. My best friend was diagnosed with epilepsy at a very young age (I’m not knowledgable on her diagnoses or types of seizures she’d experience). However, what I do know is that she only ever had nocturnal seizures. On Thursday, I decided to go to her house and check up on her as she hadn’t messaged throughout the day (super unlike her as she’s an early riser). I had her house keys and found her, face down on her bedroom floor. It was too late. She was cold to the touch and stiff. Her fists were clenched and she had foam by her mouth. We believe that she must have had a seizure and passed away (autopsy to come). It is so painful to know that she could have had more years of life and that she was dealing with epilepsy for a large proportion of her life. I hope SUDEP is looked into further in the science world