High open rate but low click through

Hi All,

I'm a full-time real estate broker, and I handle the marketing for my brokerage. I have been running a Facebook lead gen campaign to cold traffic on and off for the past few of months. I finally got the targeting zeroed in, and I'm getting a lot of opens on my nurture/follow-up campaign. However, I am getting very little in the way of clicks.

My open rate is 73% across about 50 engaged leads with about 450 emails sent in the past 3 weeks or so, with less than 10 clicks across those opened emails.

I have added a weekly home search to many of those engaged leads, I am starting to see some activity there, but those results are not included in the numbers above.

What should I add to my nurture campaign to get the leads to make contact, and/or increase my CTR? Currently, I have a link to their account on my website (0) clicks, a link to PDF with our homebuyer framework (7 or 8 clicks), link to schedule a call, and a link to a couple of YouTube videos that are relevant to the topics in the emails.

Obviously, my links are not adding value, or at least not being perceived as adding value. What else should I try?