Suggest good af games similar to elden ring
Recently someone suggested Nioh 2 to me and I was surprised it was relatively popular and had good reviews (and looked very similar to elden ring in combat aspects). I did some research and see a ton of games with similar status that I know almost nothing about.
For ex.
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (played it, it's great but not very similar imo)
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (a FromSoftware game)
- Bloodborne
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War
- Nioh 2
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
- Code Vein
- Monster Hunter: World
and from comments:
- Nioh 1 ("if you actively seek depression")
- Fallen Order
- Monhun Ryse
- Outward
- Fallen Order 2?
- Salt and Sanctuary
- Legend of Zelda (nintendo - similar exploration)
Asking for additions/subtracvtions to this list, and a bit of detail - is there an actual good story mode, is the combat hard af, is it lore-heavy, are the controls slow and cumbersome. I've done a little bit of research on a few but there's nothing worse than buying a new game and realizing 4 hours in "fuck this I'm bored" and never play it again (u might not act do that but I do it a lot lol). Appreciate any good insights, hope to act get some responses (usually no one responds to my posts)
PS, no need to mention dark souls - me and the vast majority of people on this sub are gonna be familiar with those ones.