Looking for feedback on a simple puzzle

I'm trying to get better at making puzzles. I want them to be solvable either by players or by their characters, since characters are often much smarter or dumber than their players. I'm also trying to avoid having a single strict solution to puzzles, since it can lead to very frustrating roadblocks.

This puzzle is in a large greenhouse, overgrown with a wide variety of plants. There are flowers, herbs, cacti, vines, root vegetable, berry bushes, venus fly traps, and even several fully grown trees.

The exit to the greenhouse is blocked by a strange, magical plant with vines of solid steel. The vines are immune to any damage and resist any attempts to physically pry them from the door. On each side of the door are two large blooming flowers shaped like a bowl or a bell, each attached to one of the four vines crossing the door.

When touched, the flowers contract and the player who touched it hears a faint psychic whisper in their mind. Going in order of top left, bottom left, top right, and bottom right, the flowers whisper the following messages:

1) "My petals go by other names, with bows and strings I've made my fame”

2) “My petals purse but hold no coins, in pairs of two a couple joins”

3) “My leaves are known to cure all wounds, they can't be cut but leave you pruned”

4) “First you treat me like the dead, to rise again I must be fed”

Each flower with close and recede it's connected vine when the following items are placed inside:

1) A rose, or arrows

2) A tulip, or a kiss (two lips)

3) A spring of thyme, or something like a clock or a pinch of sand

4) A seed from any plant. I can't think of a good alternative for this one - maybe yeast? Not really a common item though.

Does this seem like a reasonable and fun puzzle? Is it too easy or too frustrating?