Coca leaf (not cocaine) should be legal for personal consumption in small amounts

Same with how weed is becoming legalized in US states, there should be a similar initiative with coca leaf. For those who are unaware, I am not talking about the powdered form that is cocaine. I am talking about coca leaf that grows naturally.

Coca leaf, in its raw natural form is no more harmful than a cup of coffee. It has antioxidant properties, helps with altitude sickness, respiratory issues, and non-addictive unlike its powdered form of cocaine. It has no narcotic or intoxicant effects when consumed in its leaf form. Many native people of South America chew coca leaf as a fundamental part of their culture without any risk of overdose, abuse or addiction. The health risks that powdered cocaine has is not even comparable to natural coca leaf, which has little to no risks. In terms of physiological effects, it is more similar to coffee, a legal mild stimulant. If coffee is socially and legally accepted, then so should coca leaf.

Although coca leaf should be legal to consume, I do believe that there should be legal safeguards in preventing coca leaf from being synthesized into cocaine, which is an addictive and hazardous chemical. Each person should only be allowed to legally possess small amounts to prevent the manufacturing of cocaine. There should be warning labels when selling coca leaf, telling consumers that converting coca leaf into cocaine is still a crime and punishable by law. Only licensed personnel should be allowed by law to cultivate coca leaves, with full legal disclosure to ensure that none of the plants get converted to cocaine.

With that being said, I still believe cocaine should remain illegal.