Ionic Sentry appears to have zero or even negative synergy with every warlock arc exotic

I really, really wanted to like this new aspect. I love all the Warlock buddies and turrets, they're some of my favourite things to buildcraft around. But unfortunately, the new Ionic Sentries have some issues with playing nice with others. So:

Ionic Sentry is an Warlock aspect that, when charged up, replaces your arc grenade with a deployable turret, in a similar manner to Gunpowder Gamble on Hunter

However, unlike Gunpowder Gamble, the damage dealt by an Ionic Sentry doesn't count as grenade damage. So while GG can, for instance, proc the firepower mod on kills or have its damage increased by Spirit of Verity, the Sentry can do neither. It also can't jolt (from Shock) or be extended (by Magnitude)

In fact, the situation is worse than this, since Ionic Sentry damage doesn't even seem to be coded as ability damage at all! Both the Electrostatic Mind aspect's ionic trace generation and the Crown of Tempests' Conduction Tines effect are supposed to proc off all "Arc ability final blows". Arc Souls count, Lightning Surges count, but Ionic Sentries don't

In addition, other than the occasional uncontrollable bolt charge, the damage it deals isn't that great, so in neutral game it cleans up red bars in a way that doesn't help your builds (red bars => ionic traces is a staple loop of arc lock builds). The initial blind does count as an arc debuff, but it's a one-off effect for a long-lived turret

With that in mind, going through the list of possible exotic pairings, I can't think of any that have positive synergy?

- Crown of Tempests - Negative - Kills red bars that could have activated Conduction Tines with good buildcrafting

- Fallen Sunstar - Negative - Kills red bars that could have been ionic traces with good buildcrafting

- Geomag Stabilizers - Negative - Same reason

- Getaway Artist - Negative - Prevents you from consuming a grenade while the sentry is primed

- Stormdancer's Brace - Neutral - No interaction

- Vesper of Radius - Neutral - Honestly, Vesper largely does the sentry's job but better in many ways. It's AoE and the blind is reapplied continuously

- Verity's Brow - No interaction (even though Gunpowder Gamble works with Spirit of Verity)

The reason I bring this up so soon after the episode launch is out of hope that the whole "Ionic Sentry doesn't count as an ability, let alone a grenade" is a bug, and I hope to get it on Bungie's radar. Because the last time I recall this happening was when the scorch effects from Celestial Fire weren't counted as melee damage (and so didn't proc Sunbracers), and that took a very long time to fix, even after it got acknowledged. So I assume this type of issue is a particularly difficult one to solve