Getting ready to fight Emperor Griffin! But.......

I'm going to wait until I meet up with my younger brother (he is currently in another town with his wife). When we were kids, my brother and I were huge Dark Cloud fans, and we poured hours into playing the first one, even going through the Demon Shaft to get the fabled Chronicle2 Sword. So you can imagine our minds going nuts when we saw Dark Cloud 2 one day at Future Shop, and we literally begged our dad to get it for us.

When we bought the game, we started going through the story, trying to wrap our brains around how the new georama system worked, playing Spheda, taking pictures to create new inventions, dungeon crawling, etc. We came to the final boss, Dark Element but we just could not beat him. We struggled for months trying, and we kept failing.

But then my brother and I had an argument one day, and out of anger, I wanted to get back at him so I deleted his entire PS2 memory card. But what I did not realize was that the DC2 save file was on his memory card. As soon as I realized that, I felt really horrible, and of course my brother got mad at me even more for it. When my brother and I sold our old games, we gave away Dark Cloud 2 as well, and to this day, we have never seen the ending of the game.

Fast forward to this moment, after getting a Steam Deck, I decided to download DC2 and play it all again. Only this time, I made sure that Max and Monica got proper, stronger weapons, Ridepod is fully upgraded with the Sun and Moon armor with the Triple Urn Pack, stocked on items, and played it all up to this moment, before entering the Sun Chamber to fight Emperor Griffin. I'm going to wait until I see my brother again, and we're gonna finish the game and see the ending together, just like we were supposed to all those years ago.