750mg trip report
bought 365 pills of 25 because i’m an idiot, have only done 200 and 400 before, did 200 last week and couldn’t stop thinking and dreaming about benadryl since. 700 club but i took 2 more to make it an even 30. gonna try not to disappear after the two hour mark. hate myself already.
around 8:45am: took them
9:30: starting to feel heavier and tired, zoning out easily
9:50: movement is pretty difficult and i’m getting visual spasms? like it just vibrates a bit. also my breathing feels different. walking is hard
10:38: the only thing that happened so far was me bumping into walls. typing is hard thank you auto correct
11:00: where the flip are the spiders also i started gagging but i didn’t throw anything up
11:35: whole lot of nothing goddamn this shit is boring
12:00: literally nothing, benadryl why have you forsaken me
next day edit. nothing happened that entire time. not a single hallucination.