Share your memorable moments from your games!

As the title says, whether you're a player or a DM, share some memorable stories or moments that happened in your game!

I'll go first, I'm running CoS for my players and we are still at the beginning, but last night I had a fun, already memorable moment during our game. Context: my player has a character who is a Dhampir artificer, trying to cure his demi-vampirism cause by an magical accident.

During our last session the player found the Gulthias staff in the Wizard of Wines winery, and decided to keep it for himself after identifying it.

Later during the session, they were fighting the druids and the berserkers on Yester Hill, while Strahd himself was looking down on them from above, on his flaming horse. Strahd had noticed Ireena in the party, and successfully charmed her, beckoning her to Come closer. While fighting, the artificer failed his madness saying throw, and saw himself as Strahd! Nearly losing his composure, the dhampir artificer bit Ireena, as an attempt to broke the charm effect, fortunately succeeding. But Strahd did not like that.

We'll have to see what consequences Come from this ;)