You’ve got your opinions on the best coin ever. That and $2 can get you a Coke at the 7-11.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and lord this sub is full of them. Everyone is this sub has their favorite project, their moonshot hope, and the coins they despise. But one truth seems to remain above all else:

Opinions on crypto, both yours and mine, are almost guaranteed to mean dick.

BTC Is King. ETH is then Kingdom. Both have pretty much become the benchmark of the entire space and have earned their places as the bellwethers of crypto. Unless of course, the Tether bomb actually goes off and collapses the market. After all, Tether is a Ponzi right? Pretty much everyone in this sub agrees on it, it’s being investigated by the federal government, it is endlessly created out of nothing and is the driving force of bitcoin’s rise and hence everything else with it. But it’s worthless. And in being worthless, it will collapse right? Any day now… right?…

Speaking of collapse, how the fuck has shib stayed in even the top 100? Or worse, made it to the top 30? After all, it’s literally a parody joke coin of a parody joke coin. And yet some people made a -ton- of money off of that terrible joke.

Oh, and speaking of, then there is Doge. Doge gets a lot of hate. And I’ll be the first to throw my hat in and talk about how much doge deserves it. 118 billions coins and growing at 10k coins a minute. Utter shit, obviously.

Except, if you bought Doge in 2014 and BTC, and sold at both their tops, Doge would have been 3X the investment BTC was.

Yup, you can hate the data and it’s fucked, but math doesn’t lie.

So remember, when you’re discussing why your totally under-appreciated defi project is the real deal, when you talk about how Ethereum Classic is absolutely the garbage that it is, when you say Safemoon is going to zero (okay it totally is) or that your token is so great that it will change everything, just remember, we truly do know shit about fuck. Don’t be too proud to make money on the things in this space that make no sense. In truth, in crypto, sometimes worst is first.