Why I think the game feels so stale now
Hey guys, I wanted to share some thoughts about the game currently (not that anyone cares, necessarily) because I’m a literal “Who?” but felt like typing this stuff out.
I haven’t touched the game in 2-3 months. This season was the first time I haven’t launched the game up on the day of the new season in 6 years.
I’m a GM Tracer main so I picked her in my first game of DPS which took 15 minutes to find in mid masters. Played against a masters Baptiste, forgot that my hero no longer has any lethality because she countered Juno on release so she had to be nerfed, so I tried to duel a Baptiste.
I perfectly tracked his head, missing only a couple shots, he used shift so I disengaged briefly. Came back, got him down to 1 hp again, and he lamped his feet. Destroyed lamp, missed my blink+melee and just as I tried to recall, he got peeled and I got killed.
I made one singular mistake in that engagement while having near perfect mechanics and gamesense, if I disengaged after breaking lamp, that would’ve been lots of value, but I would have felt no accomplishment as all I did was distract and force resources. Because this support hero does as much damage as a DPS, insane heal output, mobility and 3 health bars, I got fuck all and died.
The quarterback, playmaking role has been delegated to “sit back and force resources for your Kaiju tank to walk in and get a pick” and it’s actually the least fun I have EVER had in an online game. Supports aren’t duelable, forget about showing your face to a tank in a 1v1, and also you can’t get the the enemy dps because they’re sandwiched between their backline and frontline and just freeshooting on Ashe or even further back on Widow.
I don’t see this game succeeding in the long term with real competition being present now if this is the balance philosophy they want to follow. The game has been diluted and simplified, “streamlined” as they would like to call it, to the point where any semblance of complexity is gone.