We have an info drought, not a content drought.

I’m sure many have seen or even share the feeling that the mid season patch feels underwhelming, even though when you look at it, it seems like a relatively standard content drop. I think the bigger “issue” is that there is a major info drought that we have not felt for a while.

The start of 2024 had come off the tails of 2023 Blizzcon, which teased pretty much all of the content for 2024. At that point I don't think we knew all the S9 changes, but I think Aaron had teased some changes coming in a blog post earlier in January. The biggest factor though is that we had no BlizzCon last year. We’ll forsure get a trailer for S15 a week or less before it starts, but I do hope Aaron drops some type of post soon though giving us a high level tease of whats to come.

I know it feels rough, especially when you look at all the love Rivals is getting, but we’ll get news soon enough, this is not a content drought, not even close.

Edit: I saw the Maximillian teasers right after I posted this lol