Kiki as a character
Not sure this qualifies as a spoiler but she is a fairly new character so I figured to tag! Okay. I noticed she is ALWAYS smiling. ☺️ no matter the situation. This leads me to believe she is on some sort of anti depressant or maybe even a constant upper. It could be assumed that she even makes her own medication 💊 based on what we’ve heard her say about “off market” pills she gave to Frances. I’ve known a few of these types of people who are NOT VERY MUCH NOT on a proper prescription but instead they like to stay continuously high on their drug of choice. They’re usually the worst influencers, are risky people and once they’re off for a while they spiral emotionally. Makes me wonder how she lives in her own space and if she could be the big dog supplier for the rave drugs that Harrington is on the bust for? Maybe I’m drifting away from the main plot but it’s fun speculating.