College is kicking out upperclassmen from dorms, leaving them homeless.
I just got an email this morning from the housing department saying they plan for several dorms to be freshmen only. 3, to be exact. 3 of our LARGEST dorms to be exact.
Apparently, it was an idea by our president for a "Freshmen Village" to increase retention. However, freshmen only make up like 25% of the population - if that! A lot of freshmen are dual credit students, they don't even come to campus much less live here. The dorms left over are being cut to half occupancy and are small. Combined, they fit about 1,500. There's currently 8,000 upperclassmen.
We do not live in a city. We live in a small mountain valley where the college campus takes up 1/3rd of the town. All the houses are owned by families in the town. There are no apartment buildings minus the dorms. The homeless shelter is full. The closest trailer park is 40 minutes out. Even then, the housing department just said "oh well" in the email. They told students to quickly do their returner applications because they anticipate not having enough rooms.
So. Where do we go? What do we do? Thousands of upperclassmen are now worrying about being homeless now. I'm in the same boat, but even moreso as not only do I rely on summer housing but break housing as well. As it stands, the disability and break housing building is at 1/2 occupancy as the other half of the building was bought out by a highschool program. They're buying out another couple of floors and a half. Not only are the implications of highschoolers and upperclass college students living together very weird, but it leaves less open for disabled and homeless students.
Im stressed out. I have nowhere to go. I have no family. Several of my friends are the same. Do we just pack everything in a bookbag and sleep outside? A bunch of homeless students are trying to organize a protest where we all sleep outside the admin building and the president's house.
We don't get many freshmen. I understand maybe ONE dorm, but our three LARGEST dorms?! It makes no sense! This is after he said he's working on getting rid of all non-stem departments and refusing to allow current seniors the ability to graduate with their degrees.
I can't go anywhere else, I can't afford a car and public transport is nonexistent here. I'm just stuck here.
TLDR: college is making the three largest dorms freshmen only, leaving 8,000 students to fight for 1,400 spots in a small valley town with no other options