Opinions on menthols?

These r the only cigarettes I've tried, not sure how I like menthols, I mean I can kind of taste the flavoring, like a hint of coolness? But it's been pretty cold outside since I've started smoking so I can't really tell. Will have to try non menthols to compare, but haven't bought any more packs since first purchasing these two.

Recommendations for other menthols to try? (any brand)

These r the only cigarettes I've tried, not sure how I like menthols, I mean I can kind of taste the flavoring, like a hint of coolness? But it's been pretty cold outside since I've started smoking so I can't really tell. Will have to try non menthols to compare, but haven't bought any more packs since first purchasing these two.

Recommendations for other menthols to try? (any brand)