denji will quit being chainsaw man by the end of the story

I don't think it's crazy to think one of chainsaw man's themes is self worth. denji often ties his worth to being chainsaw man because of the love and recognition that comes with it. In the chainsaw man church arc we see that dream come crumbling down with how the citizens of Tokyo turn on him.i never see people talk about how denji must've suffered in that regard because the people's praise was a huge part of what kept him going, and now its just gone

I kno going from hero to zero is a standard super hero trope, but in chainsaw man, I think it's one of the things thats leading denji to realize he's more than some devil hero. I truly wouldn't be surprised if we get a panel of denji saying he doesn't wanna be chainsaw man anymore or he atleast handles being csm in a healthy way from now on.

I think this is where asa might come Into play. and I want to clarify, I kno there's more to asa's character than "fixing denji" but i think a huge part of the ending will be them both giving each other that love and recognition they've always wanted In a more healthy way.

in denjis case, he doesn't need to be chainsaw man. and in asa's, she doesn't have to be in solitude and push others away like she used to