I need you guys to stop praising Maybe Happy Ending

My family has been to Broadway three times in a year, seen 15 shows or so. We all felt we had our fill, and after the last trip in October I declared no more trips until next fall, and everyone agreed.

But I keep coming onto Reddit and every damn day there's ANOTHER post saying MHE is amazing and emotional and fantastic and I'm starting to get FOMO and worry that it won't exist in its current form in October. I've been secretly scouting weekends to go for another show weekend this spring.

My family found out, and they all think I'm nuts. None of them have any enthusiasm to go back. It's super weird for me to be the one pressing to go (I love our family show experiences but I haaaaaaaate NYC).

I'm usually the last to want to go back, but my willpower is weak this time. So I need you all to start telling me that MHE sucks, or at least stop saying it's profound and emotional because that's the sweet spot for me and you're all killing me.