What is your favourite season?

I have always been torn between the Kanthony season and the Queen Charlotte spinoff.

Kanthony is my favourite couple and I hate that they weren't given more screentime last season. I don't think going to India to deliver the baby was wise considering the many months of travel involved. Our Anthony would never do anything to put his beloved wife in danger. They had so much chemistry, even just by looking at each other.

Queen Charlotte was the spinoff I didn't even know I needed to understand the Queen and who she is today (well, then). She had so much pain inside of her and I sobbed when her and Charles were lying under the bed, especially seeing the parallel between their older selves and their younger selves. It also gave us funny lines like "prayers, sorrows".

I enjoyed season 1 and season 3 as well, don't get me wrong. I'm just completely biased.

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