If you’ve been discarded…
Look, if you were blindsided by a breakup, don’t ruminate what you could have done or what you could have changed.
Most likely you were a great a partner, you took care of yourself and you tried to be the best partner, as much as your partner let you.
If you didn’t hate yourself in the relationship, you did amazing. Most likely they hated themselves in the relationship, not for something you did. They hated that they could not feel the simple joys you did, not your problem. In time, when they feel safe away from you, they will be able to feel that joy and simultaneously feel the grief that they couldn’t appreciate it in the present and that it’s gone.
Take care of yourself.
(Edit: Wow, thanks for everyone that contributed, this post wasn’t to bash dumpers,unless they were abusive, fuck them. But most aren’t trying to hurt you, most rejections are not personal, it has more to with them than with you. 😘 💕)