How did you restart doing things which you both once did together?

Movies and shows were something we used to do almost every night together. Break up happened 9 months ago and I haven’t watched ANY show or movie since break up. I tried watching a show which we watched together but I wasn’t strong enough to make it through 3 episodes. Tbh I did it only to imagine her laughs and comments. I would be on call with her when I go for shopping. I have to always drag myself to do things like shopping now. I haven’t cooked her fav dish since break up..generally it’s something I cook every 1-2 weeks. Some songs I just avoid listening to, concerts or songs we went to or talked about. I can’t look at these things in a way without her..I am really depressed about everything that happened with us and the way we ended. Maybe in some months I hope it would be better but would like to know what changes you did to make it better?