Day 4...This is so tough
Today is day 4. I'm having a really rough morning. I can see from reading some of the posts many in this group are having a rough morning also. I don't want to add to the misery, but I just want to get something out...will it make me feel any better? I'm not sure, but I will try anything.
I'm at a point where I feel like this is the depression kicking in. I'm having such negative thoughts...the thoughts weigh so heavy on me...feels like I'm spiraling. I also feel like I don't want to burden my friends or family with what I'm feeling or going through. It is so awful.. I haven't felt like this in so long.
I feel very alone. It's just so sad. I feel like I have absolutely no one to talk to ...yet at the same time that isn't accurate...I have my friends and family if I really needed them...I know that...but that's how I feel. It's similar to a moment when I say I have nothing to wear and own no clothes while in reality I own too much because I don't even have space for it all...perspective... I really need some right now.
Already I feel better just even writing this post and I barely got anything out...probably because my mind is now busy...
I questioned if I want to post this because I feel like I'm burdening anyone who may stop and read this... but now... I will leave it...if anyone else is going through the same are not alone...❤️🩹