WTF is going on with these "new" reps lmao

This new rep "Luminescent Jewels" is kinda weird lol. She's on Kenny and Penny's team, so I assumed she'd be like the rest of their downlines and be a calming watch. I was wrong lol. Lots of people join her live but quickly leave without ordering and I don't blame them. She sits on live begging people to buy, shaming her friends and family watching for not buying. Complains constantly about how she's now in debt over this and can't order any new inventory. Bitches about how Kenny has a full line up everynight and 1k viewers. Cries "why not me". States that she's not pretty enough for social media. She asked a few times if she can bribe the higher ups at TikTok to put her on the fyp. weird behavior. But what REALLY caught me off guard was when she started talking about how her thong is up her crotch and starts adjusting it. Also made the statement about how "huge her ass is" and went on to explain that anything she wears her "ass just eats up." What has gotten into these reps lmao. I know a lot of people watch with their young kids. Ive never seen a rep make a live so unbearable to watch.