First layer of print keeps getting messed up
Hey everyone, first time posting here. I’ll get right to the chase, I made a model through blender and used Bambu Labs to slice it like I have done dozens of times before with no problem, only this time my model has 3 long extending rods to support it (not 3d printing supports) and my A1 keeps making these very long lines back and fourth the rods for the base layer but the lines don’t seem to stay on the plate. The lines are not straight and don’t stick to the plate so they get caught up in the printer head and everything goes crazy and I have to stop it. This is the beginning of a 6 hour print in the first 5 minutes so it’s pretty frustrating. I haven’t found anything online for Bambu printers as most people suggest doing something with the Z offset which Bambu does by itself I gathered? I’ve tried to clean the plate thoroughly and used glue before printing but nothing seems to work. I tried printing another base layer test model and it printed perfectly so I don’t know what’s wrong? Is there any settings I need to change in Bambu Lab to make this work? I also changed the pattern for the bottom layer to something more compact(Hex-something) but it doesn’t change the long lines the printer does before starting those lines. I’ve printed this 4 times and the prints have always failed on the base layer when the nozzle gets caught on the propped up print. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will add images of the failed prints. I will answer any questions and send more photos if needed.