Finally finished (no spoilers.. Just thoughts(
I finally finished BSG deadlock and all the DLC. I think I got the base game free last year.. And then I was hooked. My PC actually died last year... And I spent a small fortune on a new one with very high spec... But I still play this old game on it! 🤣
Like many of said .. There's no real true instructions of what to do. The online community have been amazing at explaining things. I've really enjoyed watching YouTube content on people playing the game. I've really learned to get the best out of my ships and tactics.
It's one hell of a game. And beautifully done. Good story line... And who doesn't get excited about sending out a volley of torpedoes and viper's and raising a higher flak cloud. While focusing you're battlestar artillery upon a freaking toasters ship!
I love ripping into a cylon fleet. Never used nukes very often... But incredibly satisfying using them.. Or being hit by one and still able to survive! 😉
They mechanics of the game and the music are second to none. What a great idea with the video play back after each battle.
I've really had fun time... I'm gutted it's come to an end. I'm already playing lots of skirmishes... But it's not the same.
Great game. Anyone recommend anything similar out there?
"So say we all."