Just wondering, how much alcohol do you consume in a night usually?
I love my wife. We’ve been married for 14 years and in that time she has every single night, except when she is ill, drank a bottle or a bottle and a half of wine. She tells me this is totally normal for women and all her friends drink as much as she does. Is this true ladies? She never gets “drunk” and she functions totally normally during the day but I’m starting to wonder if this is excessive? Should I be worried? How much alcohol do you drink daily?
Update: wow! I just got my morning started and woke up to more responses than I’ve ever had on Reddit before. Just, wow, thank you everyone for your input. I’m really sorry for the many people that replied with stories about loved ones being so negatively affected by alcohol. Thanks for sharing these personal experiences with me.
I think my wife knows that she has a problem with alcohol but she feels justified because it’s her means of stress relief from her high pressure career. I think after reading through many of your comments that I’m going to very gently suggest that she firstly cut down a bit and then if that goes well then try and take a lengthy break for a while. Once again, thanks again for all the advice. My wife is my rock, my best friend, my sunshine and my air. I couldn’t live without her and the thought of losing her to alcohol is terrifying.