Ladies who cannot play Holi because of obvious reasons, how do you guys celebrate this day and make it enjoyable?

I recently turned 18(F) in February and the last time I played Holi was in 2019 when I was in grade 6. Holi used to be my favourite festival but now I have not played it since 6 years because well........ I'm a girl and women in Uttar Pradesh don't feel safe enough to play outside. If I try going to my friend's house to play Holi that's 300m away I'll surely get harrased. My family is not festival enthusiast and never has been leading to boring festivals and birthday parties.

All these years I found myself glued to kitchen with my mother to make Holi ka khana and that's it. That's the only thing I do and it sucks. I'm curious if there are women who genuinely enjoy Holi out there and I'm willing to know what you guys do to enjoy

Feels free to share your experiences.