For the past two months, it has been super difficult for me to eat. Hunger doesn't feel the same anymore. When I get "hungry" it just feels like searing pain in my general abdomen. The SECOND i put ANY food in my mouth I am immediately disgusted and sometimes even have to spit it out. i have to drink water while chewing to help me swallow. and THATS the worst part. I CANNOT SWALLOW! ITS LIKE MY BODY ISNT ALLOWING ME TO.

I never had a problem eating as a kid. I was actually kinda chubby. I used to binge eat and now i CANT EAT ANYTHING. rice, chicken broth, plain veggies, tea, things that don't have a lot of flavor are a little easier for me to get down. meat is especially disgusting to me. and l've never hated meat! I loved chicken and turkey but the SECOND i put it in my mouth my body SCREAMS at me to spit it out. and the more i try to eat the more nauseous i get.

I have celiacs disease but this is a very new thing for me. this is very unlike me. both of my parents are chefs I LOVE FOOD! but i just cannot swallow. no matter what day, time, emotion, NOTHING CAN GET ME TO EAT A FULL MEAL. It will literally take me HOURS to finish ONE CUP OF YOGURT. I'm pretty sure at this point i'm malnourished or some shit. nothing online is helping me and i cannot get insurance. I live in the US and federal help is unavailable to me despite being below the poverty line. i hate my life i just want to eat again. i literally lost 20 pounds in two months.

general info: PLEASE DONT PAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION. i really feel like this is completely out of left field for me. i don't think this is a "you're a woman" thing. i'm 20F, 175lbs (i feel healthiest at 193), and 5'9.

some additional symptoms that may or may not be related: liquid stool, always either too hot or too cold, constantly sweating. however i think these may be symptoms of me not being able to eat.

i just want some guidance... things to google more closely... home remedies to make myself eat more... i go on a walk before i try to eat to try to make myself hungry and still i can't. i can't weight-lift or swim anymore because i'm afraid of fainting and hurting myself... just anything you can tell me.... im desperate....