Need Help With Skin "Bleaching"!

~ I happened to stumble upon this subreddit while going through /r/SkincareAddiction, and from first impressions, this place seems pretty amazing ~

Hi everyone ~

This topic might be offensive to some people here, and if you do find it offensive, I do sincerely apologize in advance.

So, I actually came here looking for things related to skin "whitening" and searched through this subreddit trying to look for info and guides, only to find out that "whitening" is actually making the skin look even and brighter (now I feel like a fool :3 ). What I'm actually trying to achieve is more like skin "bleaching", or making my skin color lighter/paler (the reason? I'm Asian... like born in and gonna die in Asia... so yeah). When I was younger, my skin color was more like white/pale with a yellowish tint (in a sense), but after taking 4 years of swimming classes in an outdoor open-area swimming pool under the stupidly hot sun, my skin color is now like yellow-brown :( . Thus, I want to try to restore my skin color to the original one from before (or at least as close as possible)!

Before the questions part, here's some useful (or not) info about me that might help prevent a face catastrophe: a) My face's skin is super sensitive, acne-prone, and oily (also, it's apparently unusually thin as said by my dermatologist) b) However, the rest of my body is pretty ok with most skincare products... I think c) My face hates Retin-A/Retinol for some reason (whenever I use it it feels like there's a mini-sun on my face) d) Lastly, I don't really get burns that much from the sun but I tan super fast, which is a bummer.

Finally! Here are my questions I'd like to ask you all today:

1) What methods/processes do I need to do in order to achieve lighter skin color? What types of skincare products assist in skin bleaching? To be honest, I kinda have a gist on it (like to use sunscreen religiously and to use some sort of exfoliator and/or moisturizer), but other than that... I really have no clue in regards to skin bleaching. I was going to try rubbing limes on my face until I've read that that's actually harmful for you.

2) In addition to using skincare products, what sort of supplements/pills/foods/etc. can you eat/take in order to aid in skin bleaching? Do glatathione and vitamin C/D/E pills help? (I've seen both conflicting and supporting reports on them so I don't know what to believe in ><)

3) Any specific product(s) that, based on personal experience with said product(s), you would recommend trying out? I'm looking for products that are actually effective and ones that won't outright obliterate your skin. (Although I do want to make my whole body lighter, I'm focusing more on the face, since that area of my body is quite tanner than the rest...)

4) Any other general tips/advice in regards to skin bleaching? Any things (e.g. certain products/procedures like those homemade ones on the internet/etc.) to avoid?

I'd really, really appreciate all of your help if you are able to take your generous time in order to answer these questions. Even if you can only help with one of the four questions, I'm really more than grateful for your help.

Hopefully, if this post gets comprehensive enough, other people in the future would be able to use this as a guide to skin bleaching! (At least that's what I'm hoping for)

EDIT: Oh yeah I forgot to mention but, even though I want to make my whole body lighter, I want to focus more on the face since it's pretty tanner when compared to the rest of the body.

EDIT #2: I do use sunscreen, both face and body, when I do actually go outside of the house! (Oh and the down votes on this post tho ._. )