I actually just unintentionally rick rolled my MIT interviewer lmao
The interview was really, really good!!! Fun, casual, and honestly way better than I expected since it was an alumni who graduated a whiiiiile ago. I asked great questions and we were vibing I think. 😊 Then I mentioned a stop motion movie project I did for school once that I composed music/edited for, and they even asked me to send a link!! I was so happy in that moment ahhhhhhh. So when I sent an email saying thank you, I included the link… it wasn’t until a little after that I remembered that I put a rick roll at the very end of the project LOL (it wasn’t for a serious grade or anything, just something fun after the AP Physics 1 exam was over because my teacher is goated). So now I unintentionally rick rolled my MIT interviewer 🤪
If you read this and know who I am… no you don’t